St.Joseph's lower primary school - Mannamthuruth

When we give directions to somebody to reach our home, we always say 'just behind the school', and they get it immediately. St.Joseph's lower primary school of our village (now town) is a major landmark for us. It is more than a century old, and several generations have studied there. Some years back this was the only school available in the area. Now things have changed, lot of new generation schools have sprung up all over. Last week for voting, I revisited the school and the memories of lot of great teachers like Augustine sir, Sr.Nicklaues, Acharunni teacher..flashed through my mind, along with the names of some of my brilliant classmates who could not pursue higher education due to lack of money. This school stands as a monument for all who contributed to it, and benefited out of it. Unfortunately, there is no change to the infrastructure during the past five decades (ever since I left the school). As an old student, who is doing reasonably well in life, I feel guilty of not contributing anything back to my Alma mater, who needs every effort to escape from decay.
