Holy week at Puthenpally Church Year 2014

13/04/2014 - Palm Sunday

6.45 am - Way of the cross , Holy mass
10.a.m - Holy mass at Olanad chapel
5.00 pm - Holy mass at Puthenpally

14/04 - Monday
5.45 am - Mass
6.30 am - Mass

15/04 - Tuesday
5.45am - Holy mass
6.30 am - Holy mass
Till 10.30 a.m - Confession
3 pm to 7.30 pm - Confession

16/04 - Wednesday
5.45 am - Mass
6.30 am - Mass followed by confession and holy communion of the bed ridden
3.pm to 7.30pm confession

17/04 Maundy Thursday
7am - Mass followed by adoration by the Units
6pm to 7pm - Public adoration and cutting the bread

18/04 - Good Friday
6.30 am - Adoration
7.am - Reading from the bible and Holy communion
4.30 pm - Way of the cross

19/04 - Saturday
6.45am - Renewal of the Baptism oath

20/04 - Sunday
19/04 night 11.30 pm - Services begin at the Parish hall followed by procession, sermon and the Holy Mass
20/04 7.am Holy mass At the Puthenpally church and Olanad chappel
