Kadamakkudy visit

Kadamakkudy is a village on the suburbs of Kochi city (45 minutes drive from the city), and is a delight for any nature loving person. The ideal time to visit this place is either early mornings or in the evenings. I could not find any decent hotels there, so it will be always better, if you can carry your own supply of food and water. If you are a budget traveler, then these are the alternate routes to reach there;

Take any bus from Ernakulam, via Varapuzha. Get down at the SNDP junction bus stop (45 minutes from Ernakulam). Take an autorikshaw. Thats it. If you are more adventure seeking, then rent a bicycle from çhettibhagam, which is walkable distance from the SNDP junction. 

Another option is to take a boat from Ernakulam boat jetty to pizhala, and take the ferry service to Kadamakkudy.

 As a tourist, I long for these facilities there;
  • A place to have food
  • Some paying guest accommodation 
  • Some camping sites 
Will the authorities who promote tourism in this country see these humble requests of mine?. 

In the name of development, what they should not be doing here is allowing construction of concrete buildings to house posh hotels. That will spoil the natural charm of this place. I am enjoying this place maximum, before that happens. Only a very few places in Kerala are left like this. 
